
Frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions

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Using our APIs

I just want to use an API? What are plans?

A plan is collection of API resources or subsets of resources from one or more APIs. A plan can contain a mixture of operation types from different APIs. A plan can have a common rate limit for all the resources or each resource can have a different rate limit. Rate limits specify how many requests an application is allowed to make during a specified time interval.

Use this Developer Portal to browse the different plans that are available to you and select a plan that is most suitable for your requirements. Some plans have restricted access that you must request access to use. When you submit your request, the organization is notified, the API administrator assesses your request and they might contact you for more details. Other plans are available to use straight away.

How do I see my API usage?

The numbers of requests, for different APIs, that your application has made are shown on your application page.

Click 'Apps' in the main menu and then click on your application. In the 'Product Subscriptions' table you will see all plans your application is subscribed to.

For each API contained in that plan you can see the usage compared to the rate limit of the plan.

How can I test an API?

It is possible to test an API from this Developer Portal.

When looking at the details of an API you will see a list of the operations contained in the API. This will show the verb and path to use for the operation.

If you click on the operation you will see more information about it, what parameters it might take, what it returns, what possible return codes it might use and what they mean.

There is also a 'Try' button on REST APIs which enables you to try the operation out direct from the Developer Portal.

If the API requires a client ID or a client secret for identification then you can specify these using your application credentials at the top of the 'Try' section.


How do I register an application?

When you add an application you are provided with an API Key and Secret for the application. You must supply these credentials when you call an API that requires you to authenticate your application.

To register an application click on Apps in the main menu and then click on the 'Create new app' link. Once you have provided an application name, description, etc you will be shown your application API Key and Secret.

Make a note of your API Secret because it is only displayed once.

How do I reset my application API Secret?

Your API Secret is stored encrypted so we cannot retrieve the unencrypted version to tell you the value if you forget it.

You can reset it, which will update the stored value and return the new value to you.

To do that click 'Apps' in the main menu, click on the application in question and then you can click the 'Reset' link in the 'API Secret' section.

Your new Secret will be displayed at the top of the page.

Frequently asked questions about working with Availity's REST APIs

Why do I need to create an App?

An Application (App) is the link between your organization, and our authentication system and API Subscription plans.

When you create an application you are provided with a client ID and client secret for the application.  Please make note of both items, but especially the Client secret - this is the only time you will see the Client Secret.

You must supply the client ID and client secret when you call our OAuth 2 authentication API.  An authentication token will then be returned to you which is valid for 5 minutes.  Use that authentication (bearer) token to make subsequent calls to our API endpoints.


What are Availity's API subscriptions, and how do I use them?

In order to use Availity's APIs, you must subscribe to a plan from your Application.  

There are generally two types of subscriptions - A demo plan and and standard plan.

The Demo plan is the preferred starting point.  Subscribing to the Demo plan will allow access to our sandbox environment, which provides canned responses for each of the API endpoints.  Subscriptions to the Demo plan are automatically approved, so you can start testing right away.  The purpose of the Demo plan is for users to test and establish connectivity with our API endpoints, understand the flow of API calls, and generally get aquainted with our system.  You will not be able to do end-to-end testing on the Demo plan, or test with any live data.  The Documentation sections covers the scenarios provided in the Demo plan.

Once you have explored the Demo system, and wish to proceed further, you can work with your Trading Partner Manager and get your contract set up, and upgrade to the Standard Plan.  The Standared plan gives full access to the REST APIs and data.


Both subscriptions are subject to rate limits:

The Demo plan is limited to 3 transactions per second, and 500 per day.

The Standard plan is limited to 100 transactions per second, and 100,000 per day.

Subscription Limits

Why am I getting a '429' response code to all my API requests?

Each type of subscription has two different transaction limits:  a maximum allowed per second, and a maximum allowed per day.

Demo plan subscriptions are limited to a maximum of 3 transactions per second, and 500 transactions per day.

Standard plan subscriptions are limited to a maximum of 100 transactions per second, and 100,000 transactions per day.

*Please note that every REST API call is counted in your transaction limits.  This includes the OAuth token call, and each initial request and subsequent polling requests.

If you start receiving a '429' response code, you have exceeded one of the transaction limits.

If it's the per second limit, you will be able to successfully send transactions the next second.

If it's the per day limit, the counter will reset at midnight EST, and you will be able to successfully send transactions immediately the next day.

Availity does not have the capability to override these limits manually on an as needed basis.  If you are consistently exceeding your transactions limits on a standard plan, please contact your Availity Trading Partner Manager about ways to resolve this.

Can I test an API here on the Developer Portal?

It is possible to test an API directly from this Developer Portal.

When looking at the details of an API you will see a table of the operations contained in the API. This will show what method they are (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, HEAD or OPTIONS) and what path the Resource uses.

If you click on the Resource you will see more information about it, what parameters it might take, what it returns, what possible return codes it might use and what they mean.

There is also a 'Try' button which enables you to try the Resource out direct from the Developer Portal.

If the API requires a client ID or a client secret for identification then you can specify these at the top of the 'Try' section.

What happens if I forgot my Client Secret?

What happens if I can't find my Client Secret, or can't remember it?

Your application client secret is stored as an encrypted value, so Availity cannot retrieve the unencrypted version to tell you the value if you forget it.


You can reset the Client Secret for your App, which will update the stored value and return the new value to you.

To do that click 'Apps' in the main menu, click on the application in question and then you can click the 'Reset' link in the 'Client Secret' section.

Your new secret will be displayed at the top of the page.  Please make a note of the new Client Secret, and use the new value to Authenticate from that point on.

What is the Healthcare HIPAA Transactions API workflow?

How do I use the various endpoints for an API in the Healthcare HIPAA Transactions product to obtain the most complete data?

Most of the APIs in the Healthcare HIPAA Transactions product follow the same pattern to obtain the complete response from the payer:  

1. Initial Request ---> 2. Initial Response ---> 3. Polling Request --> 4. Polling Response --? (repeat steps 3 and 4 until final status code)



1.  Initial request - this is the intial API request to the API endpoint containing all the parameter information needed to retreive the data.

2. Initial response - the response to your intial request contains three key pieces of information:

a. Response id - this is the unique id of your request, which is used as the 'key' to any followup requests.

b. Status - this is the description of the status of your API request

c. Status code - this is the alphanumeric status code of your API request. *Note - this is NOT the claim status code when using the Claim Status API


"totalCount": 1,
"count": 1,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1,
"links": {
"self": {
"href": ""
"coverages": [
"links": {
"self": {
"href": ""
"id": "7276849100383928590",
"customerId": "22032",
"status": "In Progress",
"statusCode": "0",
"createdDate": "2021-10-19T15:01:53.000+0000",
"updatedDate": "2021-10-19T15:01:53.000+0000",
"expirationDate": "2021-10-20T15:01:53.000+0000",
"etaDate": "2021-10-19T15:01:55.353+0000",
"asOfDate": "2021-01-01T05:00:00.000+0000",

The status code and description values vary sliightly by API, but they are documented in the Documentation tab on this site.  The two common status codes are '0' - In Process - your request is in process, and you'll need to perform a followup (polling) request to get the complete response from the payer, and '4' - Complete - this is the completed response from the payer.  Any other error codes indicate some form of error, and the response body should be examined for details.

If the status code is '0' - in Process on your intiial response, you will need to execute a polling request.

3. Polling request - this request uses the response id in the URL of the API endpoint (no parameters) to 'poll' the API and see if we have received the complete information from the payer.  ex:

4.  Polling response - check the status code contained in the response from the polling request.  If it indicates the response is still in process, repeat the polling request after a brief pause (2 seconds).

"id": "7276849100383928590",
"customerId": "22032",
"controlNumber": "38729508730",
"status": "Complete",
"statusCode": "4",
"createdDate": "2021-10-19T15:01:53.000+0000",
"updatedDate": "2021-10-19T15:01:53.000+0000",
"expirationDate": "2021-10-20T15:01:53.000+0000",
"asOfDate": "2021-01-01T05:00:00.000+0000",                                               

How do I use the Configurations API?

What are the valid values for the Configurations API?

The Configurations API accepts three parameters.  The table below describes the expected results with the valid values for the request parameters



270  Returns a list of all payers that support the Coverages REST API
270 a payer idReturns the validation rules for the Coverages API for the specified payer
claim-statuses-inquiry  Returns the list of all payers that suppor the Claims Status REST API
claim-statuses-inquiry a payer idReturns the validation rules for the Claims Status REST API for the specified payer.
professional-claims  Returns the list of payers that support the Professional Claims REST API
professional-claimsPRE_DETERMINATIONa payer idReturns the validation rules for the a pre-determination Professional Claims API call to the specified payer
institutional-claims  Returns the list of payers that support the Institutional Claims REST API
institutional-claimsPRE_DETERMINATIONa payer idReturns the validation rules for the a pre-determination Institutional Claims API call to the specified payer

Frequently asked questions about working with Availity's REST APIs

Getting started

Why do I need to create an app?

An app, or application, is the link between your organization and Availity's authentication system and API subscription plans.

When you create an application, you receive both a client ID and client secret. (Make note of both items, but especially the client secret, as this is the only time you will see it.) You must supply the client ID and client secret when you call our OAuth 2 authentication API. An authentication (bearer) token will then be returned to you which is valid for 5 minutes. Use that token to make subsequent calls to our API endpoints. See the Authentication section for more information.

What are Availity's API subscriptions, and how do I use them?

To use Availity's APIs, you must subscribe to a plan from your App. There are generally two types of subscriptions: Demo and Standard.

The Demo plan is the best starting point because it allows users to test and establish connectivity with our API endpoints, understand the flow of API calls, and generally get acquainted with our system. Availity automatically approves subscriptions to the Demo plan, which provides access to a sandbox environment and canned responses for each of the API endpoints. It does not allow for end-to-end testing or testing with any live data.

Once you have explored the Demo system, you can work with your Trading Partner Manager to set up your contract and upgrade your organization to the Standard Plan. The Standard plan gives full access to the REST APIs and data. See Getting Started for more information.

Why am I getting a 429 response code to all my API requests?

Both subscription types have two different transaction limits – a maximum allowed per second and a maximum allowed per day – as follows:

  • Demo: limited to 5 transactions per second and 500 per day
  • Standard: limited to 100 transactions per second/100,000 per day

Note: Every REST API call counts in your transaction limits, including the OAuth token call, each initial request, and subsequent polling requests.

A 429 response code indicates that you have exceeded one of these transaction limits. If you have exceeded the per-second limit, you can resume sending transactions after one second. If you have exceeded the per-day limit, you will be able to resume sending transactions at midnight EST.

Availity does not have the capability to override these limits manually on an as-needed basis. If you consistently exceed your transaction limits on the Standard plan, please contact your Availity Trading Partner Manager to discuss a solution.

What happens if I forget or lose my client secret?

Your application client secret is stored as an encrypted value, and Availity cannot retrieve the unencrypted version to tell you the value. However, you can reset the client secret for your app, which will update the stored value and return the new value to you:

  1. Click Apps in the main menu, and then click the application in question.
  2. Click the Reset link in the Client Secret section.
  3. Make a note of the new client secret displayed at the top of the page. Use this new value to authenticate going forward.

Enhanced Claim Status

What is the Sender Number/SenderID required by Florida Blue?

Some users have reported receiving the following error message when requesting Enhanced Claim Status information from the payer Florida Blue:

A sender number is needed for this function. Please obtain a check
 or EFT number from a Florida Blue payment within the past 90 days and contact
 Availity Client Services at 1-800-282-4548 for assistance.

You can request a Florida Blue Sender Number/SenderID through Availity. Call Availity Client Services (ACS) at 1-800-282-4548 and supply the following information:

  • Organization type
  • Organization name
  • Organization physical address
  • Tax ID (Ensure that this ID is associated with the Florida Blue Provider ID)
  • Best contact phone number
  • Name of the Availity user requesting the Sender ID
  • Email
  • Availity Customer ID
  • Florida Blue Provider ID
  • Florida Blue check number
  • Check amount
  • Check date
  • Pay-to address  

Payer approval typically occurs within 24-48 hours. Once approved, the SenderID will appear in View Identifiers/Organization Identifiers on the Availity Essentials portal for you to capture and use in transactions.

I'm working with the Configurations API for Enhanced Claim Status and the response indicates that the payer does not support the HIPAA_276 or the VALUE_ADD_277 subtypes. How can I request Enhanced Claim Status data from this payer?

If the payer supports the MEMBER_ID option, follow these steps for best practice:

  1. Run an Enhanced Claim Status Summary call.

    This a proprietary call that does not use the 276/277 transaction, but returns high-level claim information as well as multiple claims.

  2. Next, run an Enhanced Claim Status Detail call with the claim number returned in the MEMBER_ID summary response from Step 1.

    This a proprietary call that does not use the 276/277 transaction, but returns detailed claim information for a single claim. See the Enhanced Claim Status reference documentation for more information.

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