Claim Attachments API

Submitted by katieaugustus on Tue, 06/11/2024 - 20:43

Claim Attachments 1.0.0


Claim Attachments is an external API that allows clearinghouses to submit medical claim attachments. It supports two primary workflows:

  1. Unsolicited Claim Attachment – This workflow allows providers to submit medical documentation to support the adjudication of the claim at the time of the claim submission. Availity then delivers the attachment to the health plan for further processing.
  2. Solicited Claim Attachment – After the health plan receives a claim and begins the adjudication process, it may determine that additional information is needed to complete the adjudication. The health plan can, therefore, create the 277RFAI (Request For Additional Information) transaction. These requests are delivered to the provider's –New inbox in . The clearinghouse can respond to these requests through the API. Availity matches the solicited responses to the provider's inbox work queue requests and sends the attachments to the health plan. Upon receiving these solicited responses, Availity moves the solicited request to the provider's Sent work queue and waits for the health plan to respond.


1POST/medical-attachments/ma/external/rest/responseUse this endpoint to submit an attachment to a claim.
2GET/medical-attachments/ma/external/rest/status/{requestId}Use the request ID from your POST/response request to check the status of your attachment.


1. POST/response:

POST/response request body
submitterObject (Required)Object providing identifying and contact information the organization or person who submitted the attachment. Refer to the Submitter table for fields and definitions.
subscriberObject (Required)Object providing identifying and contact information about the health plan subscriber. Refer to the Subscriber table for fields and definitions.
patientObject (Required)Object providing identifying and contact information about the patient. Refer to the Patient table for fields and definitions.
providerObject (Required)Object providing identifying and contact information about the provider. Refer to the Provider table for fields and definitions.
payerObject (Required)Object providing identifying and contact information about the payer. Refer to the Payer table for fields and definitions.
encounter(Required)Object providing information about the provision of services to the patient. Refer to the Encounter table for fields and definitions.
payloadsArrayArray containing objects with information about the attachment(s). Refer to the Payloads table for fields and definitions.
productObject (Required)Object containing information about the healthcare product. Refer to the Product table for fields and definitions.

2. GET/status/{requestId}

GET/status/{requestId} parameters
requestIdInteger (Required)The request ID received after your initial POST/response request that you can use to check the status of your attachment.

Sample requests and responses

1. POST/response


curl --location --request POST '' \	
--header 'accept: application/json' \	
--header 'content-type: application/json' \	
--header 'authorization: Bearer <access token>' \	
--data-raw '{	
    "payer": {	
        "id": "68069"	
    "submitter": {	
        "id": "477823",	
        "state": "TX"	
    "product": {	
        "type": "CLAIM",	
        "category": "MEDICAL"	
    "patient": {	
        "lastName": "Ochoa",	
        "firstName": "Blanca",	
        "dateOfBirth": "2004-11-03",	
        "memberNumber": "524845471",	
        "accountNumber": "NXGMDX-1236885"	
    "subscriber": {	
        "lastName": "Ochoa",	
        "firstName": "Blanca",	
        "dateOfBirth": "2004-11-03",	
        "memberNumber": "524845471",	
        "accountNumber": "NXGMDX-1236885"	
    "provider": {	
        "lastName": "Nxgen MDX"	
    "encounter": {	
        "serviceTo": "2021-06-24",	
        "serviceFrom": "2021-06-24",	
        "requestNumber": "RN85363437337111"	
    "payloads": [	
            "contents": [	
                    "reasonCodes": [	
                            "value": "76438-1",	
                            "codeType": "LOINC"	
                    "filename": "test.pdf",	
                    "contentType": {	
                        "type": "application",	
                        "subtype": "pdf"	
                    "data": "JVBERi0xLjQKJcOkw7zDtsOfCjIgMCBvYmoKPDwvTGVuZ3RoIDMgMCBSL0Zg+IF0KPj4Kc3RhcnR4cmVmCjEyNzg3CiUlRU9GCg=="	

Successful response:


You can use this ID to make a GET/status/{requestId} request to check the status of your attachment.

If your request is unsuccessful, you may receive a response like this:

    "parameterViolations": [
            "constraintType": "PARAMETER",
            "path": "sendResponseExt.arg0.patient.lastName",
            "message": "Patient Last Name is required.",
            "value": ""

2. GET/status/{requestId}


curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'authorization: Bearer <access token>'


    "status": "SUBMITTED"

Field definitions

Claim Attachments field definitions: Submitter object
idString (Required)The submitter's ID number.
stateString (Required)The submitter's state.
Claim Attachments field definitions: Subscriber object
firstNameString (Required)The health plan subscriber's first name.
middleNameStringThe health plan subscriber's middle name.
lastNameString (Required)The health plan subscriber's last name.
accountNumberString (Required)The health plan subscriber's account number.
memberNumberString (Required)The health plan subscriber's member number.

Code for the subscriber's relationship to the patient. Values with definitions in parentheses:

  • 18 (Self)
  • 01 (Spouse)
  • 19 (Child)
  • G8 (Other relationship)
dateOfBirthStringThe subscriber's birth date.
genderStringThe subscriber's gender.
addressArrayArray detailing the subscriber's street address, city, state, and ZIP code.
Claim Attachments field definitions: Patient object
firstNameString (Required)The patient's first name.
middleNameStringThe patient's middle name.
lastNameString (Required)The patient's last name.
accountNumberString (Required)The patient's health plan account number.
memberNumberString (Required)The patient's health plan member number.
dateOfBirthStringThe patient's birth date.
genderStringThe patient's gender.
addressArrayArray detailing the patient's street address, city, state, and ZIP code.
Claim Attachments field definitions: Provider object
lastNameString (Required)The provider's last name.
firstNameStringThe provider's first name.
middleNameStringThe provider's middle name.
npiStringThe provider's National Provider Identifier.
taxIdStringThe provider's tax ID number.
addressStringThe first line of the provider's address.
address2StringThe second line of the provider's address.
cityStringThe provider's city.
stateStringThe two-state abbreviation for the provider's state.
zipStringThe provider's ZIP code.
Claim Attachments field definitions: Payer object
idString (Required)The payer's Availity-specific payer ID. Maximum character length: 35.
Claim Attachments field definitions: Encounter object
claimNumberString (Required)The number for the claim. Required when submitting a response to a solicited attachment.
serviceFromString (Required)The service starting date.
requestNumberString (Required)For unsolicited attachments, use a unique Attachment Control Number per attachment submitted. For solicited attachments, use the payer Attachment Control Number for every attachment submitted.
serviceToStringThe service ending date.
submitDateStringThe date the claim was submitted.
serviceChargeAmountStringThe amount charged for the service.
authNumberStringThe authorization number for the service.
providerControlNumberStringService line item identifier (REF*6R in the X12 275 transaction).
Claim Attachments field definitions: Payloads object
reasonCodesArrayRefer to the reasonCodes table for fields and definitions.
requestNumberStringEquivalent to the encounter.requestNumber and only necessary if each attachment has a different requestNumber.
contentsArrayArray containing objects with information about the attachment. Refer to the payloads.contents table for fields and definitions.
Claim Attachments field definitions: payloads.reasonCodes object
codeTypeString (Required)Only allowed value is LOINC.
valueString (Required)Must be unique to the attachment being submitted. Cannot be custom. Refer to for allowed values.
Claim Attachments field definitions: payloads.contents object
contentTypeObject (Required)Object containing information about the attachment content type. Refer to the payloads.contents.contentType table for fields and definitions.
filenameString (Required)The name of the attachment file. Character length: Minimum = 1, maximum = 255.
dataStringThe base64-encoded attachment.
Claim Attachments field definitions: payloads.contents.contentType object
typeStringThe type of document/attachment (example: application).
subTypeStringThe subtype of document/attachment (example: PDF).
Claim Attachments field definitions: Product object
categoryString (Required)The category of the product. The only accepted value is MEDICAL.
typeString (Required)The type of product. The only accepted value is CLAIM.